The buddha of suburbia / Hanif Kureishi
.Kureishi, Hanif
.Faber and Faber

The perks of being a wallflower / Stephen Chbosky
.Chbosky, Stephen
.Pocket Books

Oliver Twist / Charles Dickens ; adapted by Guy Wiliams, with notes and activities by Penny Chatwin
.Dickens, Charles
;Williams, Guy
. (Dramascripts).Nelson
Oliver Twist / Charles Dickens ; edited by Kathleen Tillotson ; with an introduction and notes by Stephen Gill
.Dickens, Charles
;Tillotson, Kathleen
;Gill, Stephen Charles
.Oxford University Press (OUP)
The grapes of wrath / John Steinbeck; introductory commentary by Michael Millgate
.Steinbeck, John
. (Modern novel).Heinemann

The cider house rules / John Irving
.Irving, John
.Black Swan

Paddy Clarke, ha-ha-ha / Roddy Doyle
.Doyle, Roddy
.Penguin Books

Oliver Twist / Charles Dickens ; adaptación, notas y actividades de Pablo Antón Pascual ; ilustraciones de Christian Birmingham
.Dickens, Charles
. (Cucaña; 35).Vicens Vives

The red pony / John Steinbeck
.Steinbeck, John
. (New Windmills).Heinemann
Of mice and men / John Steinbeck; guide written by Stewart Martin
.Martin, Stewart
;Steinbeck, John
. (Letts explore).Letts

Cal / Bernard Mac Laverty
.MacLaverty, Bernard

Forrest Gump / Winston Groom; retold by John Escott
.Escott, John
. (Penguin readers).Pearson
Of mice and men / John Steinbeck; with an introduction by Susan Shillinglaw
.Steinbeck, John
;Shillinglaw, Susan
. (Penguin classics).Penguin Books

Of mice and men / John Steinbeck; with an introduction by Susan Shillinglaw
.Steinbeck, John
;Shillinglaw, Susan
. (Penguin classics).Penguin Books

About a boy / Nick Hornby
.Hornby, Nick
.Penguin Books

The kite runner / Khaled Hosseini
.Hosseini, Khaled
. (Hosseini Series; 1).Riverhead

About a boy / Nick Hornby
.Hornby, Nick
Great expectations / Charles Dickens
.Dickens, Charles
. (Penguin popular classics).Penguin Books
David Copperfield / Charles Dickens
.Dickens, Charles
. (Penguin popular classics).Penguin Books
Down there on a visit / Christopher Isherwood
.Isherwood, Christopher

Less than zero / Bret Easton Ellis
.Ellis, Bret Easton