Our language / Simeon Potter
.Potter, Simeon
.Penguin Books
The English language / David Crystal
.Crystal, David
.Penguin Books
The adventure of English : 500 a.d. to 2000, the biography of a language / Melvyn Bragg
.Bragg, Melvyn
.Hodder and Stoughton
Opportunities intermediate : student's book / Michael Harris, David Mower and Anna Sikorzynska
.Harris, Michael
Kernel one / Robert O'Neill
.O'Neill, Robert
Opportunities : uper intermediate / Michael Harris, David Mower and Ana Sikorzynska
.Harris, Michael
Compact Preliminary for Schools
.Elliott, Sue
;Thomas, Amanda
. c2013. U.I.: 20. ISBN: 9781107694095. (M)Essential grammar in use : a self-study and practice book for elementary students of English, with answers / Raymond Murphy
.Murphy, Raymond
.Cambridge University Press (CUP)
Oxford practice grammar : with answers / John Eastwood
.Eastwood, John
. 2nd ed.Oxford University Press (OUP)
A history of the English language / Albert C. Baugh
.Baugh, Albert C.
. 2d ed.Applegate, K. A.; Century
A guide to better spelling / Angela Burt
.Burt, Angela
. , 1985. U.I.: JKLIB. ISBN: 9780748712342. (M) Libro impreso