The philosophy of the social sciences / Alan Ryan
.Ryan, Alan
The idea of a social science and its relation to philosophy / by Peter Winch
.Winch, Peter
. 2nd ed.George Routledge and Sons
The interpretation of cultures : selected essays / Cliford Geertz
.Geertz, Cliford
The diversity of life / Edward O. Wilson
.Wilson, Edward O.
.Penguin Books
A history of political theory / George Sabine; revised by Thomas L Thorson
.Sabine, George H.
;Thorson, Thomas L.
. 4th ed.Harcourt, Brace, and Co.
The language of the genes : Biology, history and the evolutionary future / Steve Jones
.Jones, Steve
The Sleepwalkers : a history of man's changing vision of the universe / Arthur Koestler; with an introduction by Herbert Butterfield
.Koestler, Arthur
.Penguin Books

Suddenly one summer / Barbara Freethy
.Freethy, Barbara
. 1st Pocket Star Books pbk. ed.Pocket Star