Atrocity week / Andrew McCoy
.McCoy, Andrew
.Sphere Books

Tigers of deceit / Michael Hartmann
.Hartmann, Michael
.Headline Feature

Road rage / Ruth Rendell
.Rendell, Ruth
.Arrow Books
Two-minute mysteries / Donald J Sobol
.Sobol, Donald J
. U.I.: 20. (M)The brain now standing on platform three / Robin Kingsland
.Kingsland, Robin
. (Story books).Hodder Children's Book
Encyclpedia Brown solves them all / Donald J Sobol
.Sobol, Donald J
.Scholastic Book Services
Malay pirate / Clive Dalton ; illustrated by David Knight
.Dalton, Clive
. (Brock books).Brockhampton
The monsters of Marble Avenue / by Linda Gondosch; illustrated by Cat Bowman Smith
.Gondosch, Linda
.Little, Brown and Company
The pink panther / story by Len Blum and Michael Saltzman; based on the screenplay by Len Blum and Steve Martin
.Blum, Len
;Saltzman, Michael
;Martin, Steve
. (Richmond readers. Level 2).Scholastic
Miss Pickerell on the trail / Ellen MacGregor and Dora Pantell ; illustrated by Charles Geer
.MacGregor, Ellen
;Pantell, Dora
. (Weekly Reader Books).McGraw-Hill
Hello Kitty and friends : The Beach Holiday /
.Harper Collins Publishers

The jester / James Patterson and Andrew Gross
.Patterson, James
.Warner Books

Angels and demons / Dan Brown
.Brown, Dan
.Pocket Star

First among equals / Jeffrey Archer
.Archer, Jeffrey
.Hodder and Stoughton

Close / Martina Cole
.Cole, Martina
.Grand Central

Odd hours / Dean Koontz
.Koontz, Dean

Kane and Abel / Jeffrey Archer
.Archer, Jeffrey

Laced : a Regan Reilly mystery / Carol Higgins Clark
.Clark, Carol Higgins
.Pocket Star

A simple plan / Scott Smith
.Smith, Scott

The crocodile bird / Ruth Rendell
.Rendell, Ruth
.Hutchinson and Co.

Unnatural causes / P. D. James
.James, P. D.
. (The P. D. James Library).Sphere Books

Black sunday / Thomas Harris
.Harris, Thomas