Formula One uncovered : the other side of the track / Derick Allsop
.Allsop, Derick
.Headline Feature
Les grandes marques du sport automobile / Adriano Ceci et Vittorio Venino
.Ceci, Adriano
;Venino, Vittorio
Gran Prix : Fascination Formula 1 / Rainer W. Schegelmilch
.Schlegelmilch, Rainer W.
Michael Schumacher : driven to extremes / James Allen
.Allen, James
Race cars / [text by Jon Richards]
.Richards, Jon
. (Microfacts).Tangerine Press
Stone Fox / by John Reynolds Gardiner ; illustrated by Marcia Sewall
.Gardiner, John Reynolds
;Sewall, Marcia

Field of thirteen / Dick Francis
.Francis, Dick

Break in / Dick Francis
.Francis, Dick
.Pan Books

Blind beauty / K.M. Peyton
.Peyton, K. M.